University of Cambridge

The Green Paper Project

What is the Green Paper Project?

This project is about understanding children and young people’s experiences of receiving support from mental health support teams at school.

Why does the Green Paper project matter?

As mental health problems are becoming more common among children and young people, this study will allow us to find out what works well in supporting young people with their mental health at school, and what can be improved.

About the Green Paper project

As mental health support teams are being put in place in schools, the Green Paper project will explore how successful these support teams have been in supporting children and young people’s wellbeing, and why.

There are three main areas we will explore:

The wellbeing of children and young people before and after receiving support from a mental health support team at school.

What children and young people have to say about their experience of receiving support – what they found helpful or unhelpful.

What parents and carers have to say about their experience receiving support to help their child with their wellbeing, and their child’s experience of receiving support.

We will research these areas by using online surveys, and discussions. 

Taking part in this study will help improve the mental health of children and young people.

You can find more information about this project in the following tabs, adapted for different readers: